It can be said that the ancestors of the modern "mixed martial arts" (MMA-also from Ang. Mixed Martial Arts) are ancient Greeks many years before our era, even in 648 BC Olympians have competed in competitions like the Pan ration. As the most original and the most difficult match of the ancient games of Dfw Jiu Jitsu, Pan Ration combined techniques of standup and ground, cuttings and painful holds, suffocation. Allowed to attack with his hands, elbows, knees, legs and head. Shots were to the head and body, on the legs and arms. It is in pankratione athletes first began to perform in the long jump and match series kicks off with clamps for throws, says Texas Jujitsu.

The outcome of the fight was the failure of one of the parties, to continue to fight or voluntary recognition of own destruction (lifting a finger up either Pat rival). But over time, competition fighters ousted the gladiatorial combat and they have lost their popularity. Of course, from the history, it is known that many different types of Texas Jiu Jitsu masters, tried to create a unique and the most efficient technique of fighting without weapons. Martial arts styles developed in isolation from each other and a full list of them list makes no sense, it is important that knowledge about each one of them passed down the generations, have been perfected over time and accumulate battle experience, says DfwJiuJitsu: experts.

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